Friday 27 April 2018

Unit 8- Comic Book Chapter

 Comic Page Process

I start thumb nailing the ideas of the comic page from my head, this gives me a ruff idea of what I'm drawing. Using a A4 piece of I start sketching the panels, figures and backgrounds, once I have the basic pencil sketch I will take an ink pen and draw over all the pencil lines. After rubbing out the pencil lines I will scan my drawing on to the computer and drag it into photo shop.

Once the page is in photoshop I will add another layer, drawing it below the page layer, then I will change the page layer to a multiply layer which will allow my to colour under the ink lines. After all the flat colours are added, I will make to more layers on top and change them to a multiply layer and a colour dodge. Using the multiply layer I will use a light purple colour for the shading, the colour dodge layer I use a light yellow for highlights and lighting.

The original Drawing.

Comic cover design 1
Concept art

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