Wednesday 13 December 2017

Unit 1-Character profiles

Name: Zoe Zike
Age: 16
Home Town: Aria Central
Type of Home: Fantasy Castle
Relationship: Single
Family Background: Mum- Oriana Zike
                                  Dad- Titus Zike
                                  Sister- Zara Zike
Friends: Lin Weathery, Amelia, Teddy, Raven, Onyx
Job: None
Dress style: Anything
Pass Time: Helping people
Hobbies: Drawing
Favorite Food: Pi Fruit

Name: Lin Weathery
Age: 15
Home Town: Sky Forrest
Type of Home: Clouds
Relationship: Single
Family Background: Mum- Cloud Weathery
                                  Dad- Hurricane Weathery
                                  Brother- Sorin Weathery
                                  Sister- Sky Weathery
Friends: Zoe Zike, Amelia, Teddy, Raven, Onyx
Job: None
Dress Stlye: Comfortable 
Pass Time: Helping People
Hobbies; Playing Music
Favorite Food: Mash Potatoes

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