Thursday 30 November 2017

Unit 1-Photoshop work

Callisto by LinWeathery

Zack by LinWeathery
A Photoshop Drawing done with a mouse
3D sphere 
Ryu and celestia


castle in the distance

Quin and Quizzy


RE colour of ryu and celestia


These are images that is scanned into the computer and coloured in photoshop, I am very happy with how they turned out. On the second drawing I could have done the shading better as it doesn't look as it could have been even though I like the shading on the louth and eyes. I like the background on the first drawing as it is less detailed where as the background on the second drawing has more detail and doesn't make the character stand out as much. I created both of these drawings using the same method:

Step1: I drew the images in pencil, then i inked the images and then I rubbed out the pencil to make the image cleaner.
Step2: Next I scanner the image into the computer, and then brought the image in to photoshop.
Step3: Once the image was in photoshop, I created another layer underneath the layer with the image on it, and then click on the layer with image ion it and turn it into a multiple layer.
Step4: Now You should be able to colour under the line art.

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