Thursday 30 November 2017

Unit 1-Character creation- The Abnormal

Design sheet 1
Character creation
I started with a basic idea of a character, a superhero(meta human ), artist, that is blind in one eye. Next I started doing some sketches of each aspect, drawing a typical superhero, and artist and a boy that is bling in one eye and overall trying to figure out the basic information of the character. The best way I found to create characters is do simple and basic sketches, for example making it very same and have dots for the eyes, this helps me get ideas on to the paper with out me wasting time of detail that is not needed yet. Next I started to think of more characters that I could fit into a story and started drawing up designs for them, I also was thinking of a costume since he is a superhero. I first thought of a concept of him having headphones on that were linked to his team that would help him, which had a pice of glass attracted that would go over his blind eye making him able to see. The characters costumes was a problem as I didn't want him to have a normal superhero costume as it would be boring, so tried mixing it up a bit and I gave him a hood which really brings his design together, and is really appealing to me.

Quin and Quizzy
Design sheet 3
Design sheet 2

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