Friday 24 November 2017

Unit 1-Animation cycles

 Walk cycle
This is my attempt of a walk and a flight cycle. The walk cycle could have been spaced out better as the frames overlap other frames,  and it could have used more frames to make the overall  animation smoother.


                                                      The flight cycle
This is my attempt of a flight cycle,
which turned out a lot better than my
walk cycle, as I had spaced out all the
frames this time. However there is only 
one wing showing and the face turns, it 
also it could have used a few more frames
 to make the whole thing smoother.

 The Penguin Cycle
This is my attempt of a penguin picking up a snowball, the frames are very slow and shaky, and i could improve this by adding more frames in-between to make it smother. In the last to frames of the animation the penguins head gets smaller and sharper, but the overall shape of the penguin says the same.

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