Sunday 16 September 2018

My top 5 favourite games

Just cause 2-
Image result for just cause 2
Is an action adventure game developed by Avalanche studios and was made in 2010, it was the squeal to just cause made in 2006, Just cause 2 has one of the largest game maps ever made. The story revolves around Rico Rodriguez trying to unseat the new dictator of Panau island Pandak "Baby" Panay, he does this be infiltrating many rebel faction to help detestable the dictator reign.

I enjoy this game as it is full of action and explosions, there is so much to see and do in the open world that its hard to get bored. There are all sorts of missions, weapons, vehicles and environments to explore which makes this game seem like a never ending action movie.   

Image result for minecraft

Minecraft -

Is a sandbox game, which was originally created by Markus Person but was later developed by Mojang, and was created in 2009 and is one of the best selling PC game (28 million copies).  There are three modes to play in, there is creative where you have access to all the materials needed to create any thing. Next there is survival where start with nothing to help you and you have to survive on your own, and everything is happy in the day at night is when the monster come out. The last mode is hardcore mode, where it is exactly like survival by you are on a small island with only one tree.

I enjoy this games as it is a great exploration games made of a unique world of blocks, and it allows you to create anything you want, so the only limit to this game is your imagination. I find i t fun to try to survive in the game and explore scary caves and fight the monsters of the dark. However I love creative mode where i have the freedom to create anything on the terrain.

Image result for portal 2Portal 2 -

Is a 3D first person puzzle game developed by the Valve corporation. It was released in 2011 as a sequel to portal, as is a very highly rated game and has one many awards such as the BATIA games awards for best game, each level is made a a new puzzle for you to solve. The story revolves around a girls finding herself waking up in a room only to find herself trapped but then rescued by a robot, and for the next few hours you have to find your way out of the underground facility that you are trapped in, going from room to room solving different puzzles to escape.

I enjoy this game for the story and the puzzles that really get my brain working, the story is done very well and has so many funny jokes in it that I love. The characters are great even if there only robots they have such emotive faves and dialogue.

Image result for sonic generations
Sonic generations -

Is a platform game made in 2011 and was created by Sega and sonic team, it was a celebration to sonic's 20th anniversary in which i featured some of the fans most favorite levels of the old games, and also the return of classic sonic. The story revolves around the two sonic's trying to save their friends so a time eating monster who traps them in Limbo. There are two styles to play in, first there is modern sonic and is fairy similar to most modern sonic game with the camera facing behind sonic. There next style is classic sonic who plays just like a 8bit side-scroll-er but in a 3D fashion.

I enjoy this game as it is very faced passed with unique beautiful graphics and level design, I really love to see classic sonic levels in a 3D style and older modern sonic games with higher graphics.

Team fortress 2 -

Image result for team fortressIs a first person multiplier shooter that focuses on team based missions, it was developed by valve in 2007 as the sequel to the 1996 mod team fortress. It is fully of interesting characters based of various stereotypes such as, the scout who is the rough America kid from Boston, the solider who a typical American solider, the Pyro who is the strange pyromaniac, the Demoman who is the drunk Scottish bomb expert, the heavy who is the thick heavy set Russian who loves big guns, the engineer is the intelligent inventor from Texas, the medic who is the insane German doctor, the sniper who is typical Australian man but with a sniper rifle and the spy who is the fancy french man who is full of mystery.  

I like this game because of the range of characters you can choose to play as who all have there own special abilities. As it a multiplier game it is fun to work with and against other people to complete the missions.

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