Thursday 20 September 2018

Traditional artist and Gaming design technique

Mark Creilly

Image result for mark crilley realismThis is one of the only traditional art that I like, he most of the time does Comic and manga but does youtube totoriacls of realist traditional art, he is also responisble for the realism challege. His sketching style is very simple, he will start of with light sketch in pencil and then a shading with differnt tones. Creilly is very good realism artist and he has tutorials that I can use to help improve my own art.

Image result for sonic concept art backgrounds Image result for sonic concept art backgrounds

Image result for sonic concept art backgrounds
 Why did you make this selection:
I made this selcetion beacuse I like the style of games that there from and I also like that the art looks real to an extent but it is still very stylisted which I like alot in art.
What do you admire about the sketching style:
I like the style of the art as it is very messy with some unique textures.
What links can you make with your own work:
The liks I can make with my own art is that I like to make backgrounds very detailed and colourful, and the poeple and character I draw to fit into that world, but I also like to draw it in my own style, to make it more unique.

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