Friday 16 March 2018

Unit 9-Creative personality statement


What are your sources of inspiration? Any source of art that tells stories such as, comics, TV and movies. Or just any form of art that looks cool.

What are your key reference points for your work? Other artist/TV that have interested me or that have a similar style to mine.

Creative Process

Where do my ideas come from? My ideas come from looking  and  reading other artist work thinking how I would have changed the story to make it better in my mind.

How do my ideas evolve/ change and develop? By thinking of different situations that is different fro the original inspiration.

How do I make my creative decisions? I go through many different ideas until I find one that is right in my mind and then expand on it. Every artist goes through this process.


Reasons for choosing your discipline? Because I like drawing and making up stories, and animation is one of the best ways to tell a story.

Reasons for choosing the course? I love telling stories and I also love making characters, so though if I could learn aniamtion I could tell the stories that I have always wanted to tell.

What do I need and want to learn? I need to learn how to draw backgrounds as they are very difficult because of all the detail, however I can fix this by practicing.

What excites me? Making stories and new characters.

Subject knowledge/Awareness

What are the key trends/ideas/issues related to your chosen discipline? It is hard to get in to the animation industry, and as just one animator among many it would be hard to present your ideas for them to be made in to full animations.

Who are the key players? Disney, Pixar and Dreamworks.

After the course

What is my knowledge of the creative industry that you might want to go into? Free lance so I can make my own projects and so I don't have to be tied down by companies.

What is my ambition? To produces may own projects.

What are the potential career routes open to me? Animator, free lance Animation, or Illustrator.

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