Thursday 8 March 2018

Unit 1-More Characters

The characters of my story.

The story is based in a fantasy world that is parallel to earth however there are fantasy creature and magic that play a huge part. The main location of the story is a village, with a school that teacher the children of the village how to use magic, and how to protect the village. The stories main character is Zoe who out casted by everyone the village, but she doesn't know why, and the story is centred around her journey to become a wizard and earning acceptance.
Zoe's first design

Zoe Zenith Zike-  Young girl (12 years old) who is outcasted by her village for unknown reasons, and is a intense tomboy. Zoe has a special talent for causing trouble by making potions which she enjoys doing in her spare time while listening to music. Zoe is not the best at communicating with people as she was isolated for most of her life so her communication skills are lacking, often resulting in her saying whats on her mind at the time (as she would talk to herself).

Lin Weathery- The son of the general of the sky tribe(13 years old), as a result he is often expected to be the best at everything. However he is a slacker who wants nothing but to lay and sleep of clouds. Lin really enjoys music, playing his guitar and writing songs, as a result of his fathers support he is over confident acting very cocky when he specks. Also because of his fathers pressure he left his own village to join another.
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Oriana Flor- Is the only daughter of the queen of the village(14 years old), however despite her royal background she is fascinated with magic and becoming a wizard. Oriana holds lots of determination but can be sad when she doesn't do her best, she is also a workaholic so she is invested in the work that she does for school. As a result odd all the the desk work she does, it makes her less confident in the field, so she will most of the time freeze up in desprate situations.

Amelia concept art

Amelia Carter- Amelia is Oriana's extremely optimistic cousin who acts younger than she is (12 years old), who loves everything and always has a smile on her face. She loves to cook and enjoys helping her father in the bakery, even though her mother (the queens sister) would rather her to train to become a member of the royal guard. Amelia may break the forth wall from time to time but she is a extremely kind soul who can always see the best in people.

Old Ryu design

Ryu Pendragon- Is an exchange student from another village (13 years old), he is extremely hot temper as is always looking for a fight, manly to blow of steam. He is one of the strongest people in the school magic wise, there is something that motivates him(but its is unclear what). Ryu is extremely capable with fire magic as that what element he is strongest with, out side of school and fighting he enjoys painting (as Amelia suggested it) to calm his anger.
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 Raven Bloodwood- Is a highly sophisticated lady who is a senior student at the school (180 years old looks 18). Raven has an eye for fashion and loves designing clothes and often never wheres the same outfit twice, but is training as a healer wizard. She speaks with a very posh and advanced tone, as a result of her posh nature she is afraid of getting messy and having to do anything that involves dirt.
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Callisto No surname- Is the brother to the queen (32 years old), he enjoys inventing and no being disturbed by people. He wants nothing to do with the politics of the village and prefers to not seen with the royal family. Callisto is the youngest of the three siblings, and lives with none one in one of the towers of the castle which is how he likes it, however he dose have a little social side when he works as a substitute teacher at the magic school.
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Blaze- (6 years old) Is the extremely lazy fire fox-cat (none one nows what he is) who is friends with Zoe, after Zoe was walking around in the woods she found him on the ground next to a tree na dafter that Zoe to him in. Blaze is always seen with Zoe, either walking next to her or riding on her back, he has a very carefree attitude but is always willing to help.  

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