Monday 17 June 2019

FMP- Animatic Research

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Example of a animatic frame

An animatic is a idea for a film or TV show that is created using storyborads and a sound track. They are used as tests for animations and films to determine if the scene is effective in what it is trying to tell. Once and aniamtic is apporvered it is usally sent over to an animation of film department so they
can get to work on creating the completed scene.

The frames within an animatic are very simple and sometimes only use stick men as long as it shows a story and the right atmost fear in that scene then it dosesnt matter how simple the drawings our. However some animatic that our used in pitches for shows or films can be and tend to be of a higher quality.

I wanted to create an animate because it was something I had not tried yet, the amout of frames required would be considably less than a full animation and considering I did not have much time left I thought I would be a good idea. I have alwasy like animatics, as you can tell a story by only using a few pictures I thought it would be a good experiment to work on my story telling and camrea angles.

My Finished Animatic

Inspiration for creating an Animatic were:
- Art of Rhues

This artist makes some amazing Animatics and she turns rought animatics in to full coloured animatics, she had simple and yet beautiful style. Most of her work is fan animatics or aniamtic based of songs or TV and somtimes its combination of the two. The backgrounds in animatics are usallly more detailed than the characters them selves and the background may not change for seval frames. I loved how she took very rough Animatics and made them cleaner and even adding a bit of colour and effects which is what I wanted to do.

Examples of her work:

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Screen shot from Animatic

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Rough and final Animatic screen shot

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Cover for an Animatic
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Rough Screen shot

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