Wednesday 6 June 2018

Unit 9- FMP Project Evaluation

Fmp Evaluation:

For my Final Major Project I was heavily inspired by concept art from the sonic mega drive comic as it has similar proportions to what I wanted, so I use the art to teach me how to draw my characters as children. I thought of one of the main characters about 4 years ago and I have been developing the story ever since and I have never been inspired by one thing, all of the Movies, TV shows and comics I have read over the years have inspired me. Once the story was going to be about superheroes as I really like spider man at the time but I soon changed the story to a fantasy adventure story about family as that would have a much more meaningful message to the viewer.

I decided to make my comic using a digital format however the method I was going to use changed, I was going to draw the comic on paper and then scan it on the computer as that was the best way for me at the time to do digital art as I didn't have a good drawing tablet, once I got a new tablet I decided to make a page of the comic by using and I really enjoyed the out come. While making the comic I found new techniques that worked better for me, in the start I dint use the text tool I wrote the text in which made it had to read, I also started the comic with purple ink but changed it to black as I was less time consuming and made it stand out more.

My process for digital art in Photoshop is, I zoom in on the canvas and start drawing a very messy concept for the page, I then zoom out and will be left with a large canvas and small image. Next I will enlarge the sketch to fit whole canvas, I will then make a new layer and add detail with the line art, also adding the borders of the comic. After the line art is done I will add the flat colors on to the canvas on a new layer, next I will add another layer and turn it into a multiply layer using a light purple for the shading. After the shading I will make another layer and change it to color dodge layer, Then with the brush I pick a bright yellow and a soft brush then turn down the opacity of the brush to make the lighting not to intense. Finally i will make one more layer to draw the text bubbles and add the text.

If I had extra time to make this comic I think I could have made more pages than seven, I maybe could have finished the first chapter instead of leaving it on a ... to be continued. Each page takes about Two and half hours to complete one page of the comic, I could maybe make to pages in one day but I don't enjoy rushing to get another page done. I think my comic falls into the category of Graphical visual communication as a comic is a graphical peace of art that tells a story through visual communication.

I have learn a lot from the FMP, like I really enjoy making comics and telling stories. I know I don't work well under pressure and time limits as I makes my work suffer as a result. I think I really did well making seven pages of my comic, as I have made other comics before this but I never got pass more that five pages as I rushed into it, so me getting past that limit five pages makes me really happy. I think I am really good at drawing facial expressions and making up interesting character designs, however I could improve on poses and making the character look like there in motion.

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