Thursday 14 December 2017

Unit 2-Materials

Materials I use
Pencils: I use pencils to sketch my drawings, I use the because they are easy to rub out if I make any mistakes
Pencils (None)
Fine Liners: I uses fin liners to in my sketches that I have done with the pencil, an once that image is all inked in I can rub out all the pencil lines, I do this because it makes the image look really clean.
Uni Pen Fine Liner
Sharpener: I  use this to sharpen my pencils, other wise that pencils will be dull and hard to use.
Eraser: I use this to rub out mistake I make with the pencil and rub out all the pencil marks after inking.
Rubber/ Eraser
Water colour pencils: I use these to test out colour to see what works and what doesn't.
Water Colour Pencils
Pro Markers: After inking I will colour that image with Pro Markers, they look really nice on paper and can blend very well.
Pro Markers
Photo Shop: If I really like a image I will scan it in and colour it in photo shop.
Photo Shop

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