Friday 15 December 2017

Unit 1-Briefs and Story Boards

My brief 
The first meeting of my two mane characters, the scene opens up with a dark screen and sound affects of rocks falling and a little girl crying. Soon the viewer sees eyelids open to reveal a girl crying on the main character, the girl stops crying and turns to face the boy with a confused look.

Zoe:( confused tone ) Your'e okay? (relieved) Thank god, but.. I thought you were dead.
Lin: (looks up, and with a shaky tone) Were.. are we?
Zoe: (calming dow and starts looking around) Not sure, this land must have been unstable and caved in as a result of the earth quake.
Lin: (Still confused)... Ok, and how are we ?
Zoe: (Looks at him with a dumb expression) ...I'm Zoe, you seriously don't no who you are? ( Lin Shakes his head)..Dude, thats so cliche.
Lin: Sorry, Its all a blank even my name.
Zoe: Hmm... that won't do... how about.... Lin.
Lin: What?
Zoe: That's It we'll call you Lin for now (Zoe stands up)
Lin: Why? That name. 
Zoe: (Stretches her hand out to Lin) Because you look like a Lin to me, Now lets find a way out of here.

My brief 2
The scene starts with a forest and zooms in to show to people walking in the forrest. A manned a girl are traveling, when that man suddenly stops with the girl crashing into him, and after would giving a unamused expression. The man make the girl stay back will he investigates what he saw.

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