Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Photoshop skills

Cropping an image in photoshop

Original image

I was given an image of a road and the task was to erase the man who was walking on the road. How I went about tackling this I used the lasso tool to draw around parts of the man and then I clicked Steele and a screen would pop up saying fill content aware. I was later told that this was not the way to delete the man from the image, I had to use the stamp tool which allows you to copy a part of a texture in a image and use it to paint over the image. It was a slow process but it got the job done and the image looked more accurate then from the way I have cropped the man out.

Then I had to look at the other images of the road where the man wasn't there so I could see what was behind the man. There was some black paint (a man) on the wall and a red brick on the black part of the wall. What I did was crop out the man and place it into the photoshopped version, then using the stamp tool to blend it in to the image. For the brick I used the stamp tool to draw it into the image and draw a light line around it. I also had to replace the window on the building as there was a reflection of the man, I did by using the same method as the line of black paint on the wall.

Finally I had to give the road sign a name however there were some plants the way, what I had to do was copy the plant that was over the sign into a new project in photoshop. Then go back to the over image and erase the part of the plant that is covering the sign. After the plane has been erased use the text tool to add a name to the road. Once that is done I go back to my copy of the plant and start erasing the sign that is behind the plant, when the sign completely gone and only the plant remains, I had to crop around the part of the planet that was cover ing the sign and paste it back into my other photoshopped image.
The finished image

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Animated walkcycle

I use the animation above as a reference to help me with the poses of the animation I made.

Friday, 5 October 2018

Four new characters.

Zoterra Zike: A homeless alien Trying to find her place in the universe and figure out if she is a good person of evil. She has a very child like personality but can act serious when needed.Zo is funny and a very strange friend to have around, but can get out of the toughest spot. She is always in the wrong place at the wrong time, and trouble all ways finds her.
Amara Jan- Is a Junior Journalist for the Taunton news center, she is intuitive and hates to be proven wrong however likes to prove other wrong. Amara is surrounded by science, she is draw to the unknown only to discover the truth and prove to her father that all the strange things he believes has a real life counter part.
Jacob Anderson- Is the father that lost his family and all he wants is a family again, he married again to Tyler's aunt and has been trying to get him to open up.His previous family blamed him for the disappearance of their son when he was suppost to be watching them. Jacob is safe and logical person who doesn't go looking for trouble.
Tyler Woodrow- The 19 year old boy who has autism, as he finds ways to live it he unearths talents he never know he had. Tyler is shy and awkward around people but is very interested in the unknown. He doesn't really think ahead so he normally just goes with the flow of life.