Secondary Research
These pictures I choose to help me with my project as my main characters are children so looking at other photos of children can help me a childish design. I have noticed that children have extremely bright colours, and younger children have larger heads and eyes . There is also a wide diversity when it comes to hair, there are so many different styles and colours that I child use in my own designs.
The clothes that children wear is just is diverse as adults clothes, but they do have brighter colours. Girls usually wear pinks and pastel colours along with skirts and dresses, where as boys can wear anything for hoodies to t shirts to jackets.
These concept art images are from another comic series called sonic mega drive, I used these to help me understand the proportions of children. I really like there expressive faces as there is all of characterisation in there expressions and poses.
All of the characters are very unique and memorable something that I would like in my own characters. The also have very bright colours in there designs, something that I also do.
Each character has a very different design, but in the same style, the style is very comical and stylised, they wanted to make interesting and unique designs that still look like the animals that these characters were based off of.
The bright colours are very intreating and the main colour used in all of the character is Red, there is red in each one of the characters colour codes, maybe because the colour red gets peoples attention and the designers wanted there characters to be recognised.
This is a photograph of one of my drawing models, I use these to help me figure out poses that I can't figure out on my own. This pose, I was trying to figure out how to draw a hand reaching out into the distance and not making it look like a character with a really big hand.
I tried draw the pose and I think I got the basic idea, and I am over all very happy with how the pose turned out. I wish I would have finish the sketch and completed the character but I didn't.
This is another one of my drawing models in other tricky pose that I was trying to figure out.
These are photographs of a train in exmoor, I really like the old fashion look of the steam train. I the sketch I tried to draw thew train, but it would have looked better if I had added more detail.

This is a photograph from inside the college as I was trying to draw this part of the corridor but I didn't go so well, There was to much detail on the doors.
These to pictures of an exmoor sunset, I really enjoy the colours in the sun set as they are very warm colours but also cold, and they contrast very well with the silhouetted land.
The second picture Has more cooler colours with the oink and the blue making a purple colours with is again contrasted with the silhouetted land.
This is picture of comic con I took this to help me draw large crowds of people.
This is an old picture of me that was taken about 10 years ago on Christmas, I am using this as part of my primary research as I was Child back then.
The picture and drawing below was also of me, I had a very grumpy expression in the photo that I try to draw but could not.

This is a photo of a bird for merru, I always enjoy drawing birds as they always have very interesting colours and designs.
This is another sunset, however this is from mere island in the Indian Ocean, I picked this image for the same reason as the last sunset picture.
This is a photo from Gibraltar looking out from a building, I really like the building and the mountain towering over them .
This is bamboo from mere island, I always like the colour of leafs when light shines though them.
This is from the mere spa, they theme a lot of the stuff with colour purple, and they use flowers for decoration that is grown on the island.
This is a crab, I love the crabs on the island how hey had sort of a pink and yellow colour to them.

More birds, I really like birds just because they have beautiful colours and then can fly. This bird is jet black but is contrasted with pricing red eyes.
This is the winging pool, love the different shades of blue in this picture.
This photo is a good example of depth as there are 50+ pillars on this path, the distance it just goes on for ever. The water is very clear and I a very different colour compared to the sky.
This is a photo of one of the many lizards on the island, they have vermin trusting and bright colours which I why I am using them in my primary research.
A fruit bat, they will offer fly over the pools and paths so getting a picture of them not flying is very lucky. They have very large eye with make them very cute, and there colours are just simply black and brown, which is a good example of simplicity.
An amazing sun set, the main colours are dark blue but in contrast with a bright orange that looks this fire, it also creates a pink tone in the clouds.
Another example of depth, as the river is flowing into the distance.

All of the Photos in this post were used for research.